Kiss Of Death

New York Post;

President Biden’s speech was disturbingly slurred and raspy Monday as he called in to his former campaign’s headquarters to vouch for his chosen successor Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I know yesterday’s news was surprising and it was hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do,” the 81-year-old president told campaign staff in Wilmington, Del., one day after dropping out of the race.

“I know it’s hard because you’ve poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this thing, help me get this nomination, help me win the nomination and then go on to win the presidency.”

Or was it AI?

Your Moral and Intellectual Superiors

Blacklocks- Caution CBCers Over Tweets

“This is a healthy reminder for those journalists who feel compelled to weigh in on controversial news stories,” wrote Ombudsman Jack Nagler. “While you don’t carry the burden of balance on your social feeds the way CBC does as a whole you are still expected to provide context where necessary.”

The guidance followed a social media post last November 6 by Samira Mohyeddin, a Toronto producer for the CBC Radio program The Current. Mohyeddin tweeted in sympathy for a Palestinian activist arrested for inciting terrorism.

The post omitted the fact the woman, Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, was arrested for threatening to kill Jews and drink their blood.


Saving the democracy.

Operatives at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party threatened Joe Biden with forcibly removing him from office unless he stepped down, sources told The Post.

The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, according to the sources.

Part of the “elaborate” strategy to remove Biden from the race – as he announced in a shock letter posted on X Sunday – was allowing him to debate Republican candidate Donald Trump last month on live TV in Atlanta. […]

“That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president,” a source close to the Biden family told The Post Monday.

As calls for him to bow out mounted, Biden insisted he would continue, but party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“Yay insurrection!”

There are many strange things afoot

Trump Shooting: Secret Service Boss Before House Oversight Committee (bumped)

via Zerohedge (At 10am Eastern)

In a move seemingly timed to ease the immediate pressure on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday night announced the formation of an independent review panel charged with examining the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, which appeared to illuminate an astonishing degree of Secret Service incompetence.

The unusual Sunday night announcement came about 12 hours before Cheatle’s 10 am Monday appearance before the House Oversight Committee, which Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has touted as “must-watch TV,” telling CNN, “She’s got a lot to answer for. And those concerns are bipartisan.” Underscoring that notion, Oversight Committee member and Democratic Pennsylvania Rep. Brendan Boyle has already demanded that Cheatle resign…

Related: Senator Ron Johnson just confirmed in this interview that he believes multiple weapons and multiple shooters were involved in the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump.

And the “ongoing investigation” dodge begins immediately.

Updated with this from Joel Mowbrat;

We’re only starting to dig into the cover-up of Biden’s cognitive decline. Everyone knows Kamala Harris is going to be under the microscope.

But key to the cover-up was Kim Cheatle. Look at her record (detailed below), and it’s clear she was hired to help conceal from the public Biden’s true condition.

No one has more direct access to — and intimate knowledge of — the President than his protection detail. Cheatle would know this, since she had served on both Joe and Jill Biden’s details during the Obama years.

THAT is why she was hired. The Biden family needed someone they could trust in charge of the Secret Service.

@stevennelson10 reported that Jill Biden and top advisor Anthony Bernal pushed hard for Cheatle’s hiring. His excellent @nypost story then implied that it was for some DEI purpose.

But this misses the point about how the Bidens have operated, prioritizing secrecy regarding @POTUS’s true condition over pretty much everything else. That’s why even the White House residence staff was kept at arm’s length.

It also helps explain what @SusanCrabtree had reported — and initially denied by the Secret Service — that the agency had diverted resources and manpower to a Jill Biden event that same day.

This inexplicable decision was just confirmed by whistleblowers through @EMPOWR_us, whom Senator @ChuckGrassley cited in a letter this weekend.

In short, the USSS assigned only 3 Secret Service post standers to Trump’s rally in Butler, PA, compared to 12 post standers for Jill Biden’s (much, much smaller) dinner event an hour away in Pittsburgh.

Given the known threats to Trump — even aside from the apparently credible threat from Iran — this disparity only makes sense thru the prism of Cheatle’s bias from a close, personal bond with the Bidens.

The Bidens forged such a bond with @POTUS’s personal doctor, Dr. Kevin O’Connor. Per terrific reporting by @SchreckReports, O’Connor became close, personal friends with the Bidens during the Obama administration, and he even pursued business together with James Biden.

Everyone serious understands that Dr. O’Connor’s rosy pronouncements about Biden’s health were central to the cover-up of Biden’s rapidly detoriating condition.

Now, it is time to ask these questions about what Cheatle was expected to help cover up. Congress should be asking these questions, though if the past week is any indication, it will probably be @dbongino and/or @SusanCrabtree getting those answers first.

We certainly need (and deserve) answers regarding Cheatle’s cozy relationship with the Bidens — especially to what extent hiring her for covering up Biden’s cognitive decline helped lead to the assassination attempt on July 13.

UPDATE 2: After a contentious hearing in which Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle failed to answer some of the most basic questions surrounding the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, the House Oversight Committee called on Cheatle to resign.

Today in Gov’t Incompetence

They can’t even figure out how to pay themselves.

Blacklocks- Phoenix Failure Is Now $3.7B

The Phoenix Pay System was launched in 2016 on a promise it would save taxpayers $70 million by centralizing 46 separate federal payroll departments into a single office in Miramichi, N.B. Auditors in 2017 determined new software was used without testing and immediately garbled paycheques for a majority of employees.

Federal auditors called the Phoenix system an “incomprehensible failure.” No one was fired.

Decolonizing The Friendly Skies

Some days I’m floored at how many nonsensical concepts can be packed into one article, but someone seems to have outdone themselves once again. These folks might want to take a step back from the race baiting mill and acknowledge the benefits of a technology that exists thanks to a culture of entrepreneurship and individual rights that they routinely conflate with colonial oppression.

“It’s really a decolonial effort where it returns the power into our hands so that we can again assert our own self-determination, determine how it unfolds within our region,” said Jacob Taylor.

“There have been no treaties signed for the sky, so Indigenous people have an inherent right to participate in the aerospace industry.”

Surprised no one brought out a pitchfork

Pitchforks not included. Not sure about torches.

Pipeline company comes to oil town to build a wind project, and gets hostile response

You’d have thought they were proposing a pipeline in Nebraska.

This was a very hostile crowd. I’m surprised no one brought out a pitchfork or torch. I’m sure the Enbridge folks figured they were now working for TransCanada, running a Keystone XL open house in the States.

Meanwhile, in Alberta, on Sunday:

Fool me three times: Alberta’s 4748 megawatts of wind hits one, one and zero megawatts over three days

That followed this story on Friday which went viral:

Alberta’s wind power flatlines again this week, hitting 1 megawatt out of a capacity of 4748

And if you didn’t see this, it’s worth the hour.

Jordan Peterson Podcast: Danielle Smith on Bill C-59, freedom of speech, CO2, wind, solar and more

Facebook loved it so much, they immediately pulled down the post, claiming it “violated community standards” as spam.

Monday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada:  The reaction in Montreal to the attempted assassination.  Censoring negative comments about Indians (CBC).  A CBC journalist tweeted in sympathy for a Palestinian who wanted to kill Jews and drink their blood.

Dementia Joe’s America:  Now that he’s quit the race.  A decade of conspiracists.  – Victor Davis Hanson

Woke Britain:  The Albert Memorial is offensive.  A war on the family home.

Your morning meme.

Kiss Of Death

Ed Morrissey: Biden’s Revenge?

There’s no mystery why Pelosi and the establishment want a do-over rather than a succession. Harris had already become deeply unpopular with Americans long before this election cycle began. In fact, her favorables went underwater in mid-July 2021, a month before Biden’s inverted during the Afghanistan disgrace. That’s the last time any poll showed Harris’ favorability rating in anything other than negative numbers. That followed a series of embarrassing media interviews and personal appearances that exposed her as an intellectual and policy lightweight, which prompted Biden to shelve her until now.

one wonders if it was released before Biden could change his mind.

@alx Can anyone find another example of Joe Biden underlining his signature?

@lansingThe WH Chief of Staff called Cabinet officials to tell them, not Biden?

@TriciaTx84It tells you something when not only do they want the opposition candidate taken out but they want their own candidate out too. #Democrats
