Drill, baby, drill?

Drill, baby, drill: Trump promises energy dominance, but lower energy prices

The last time, that didn’t work out so well for Saskatchewan oil and gas. The depths of the seven year oil downturn which devastated the Saskatchewan oil and gas industry included all four of the Trump years the last time around. While oil low prices benefited consumers and large portions of the economy, they also had a significant impact on Saskatchewan oil companies and particularly oilfield service companies. Activity levels, vendor rates, employment and employee remuneration were all deeply affected by the low energy price policies.

This is NOT an endorsement of Biden by any means, but simply a reflection on what did happen during the last Trump presidency.

Unlimited Demands

Sorry, but having to work within the confines of a budget is not part of a plot set up by evil colonialists to destroy you. Whoever came up with this number probably assessed the progress so far and decided that it was time to get back to reality. Proper investigation would entail forensic excavation and the affected parties seem to be doing everything to avoid exactly that.

David Monias, chief of Pimicikamak Cree Nation in Manitoba, was on the Zoom call.

“I am profoundly dismayed by the Canadian government’s decision to impose a cap of $500,000 per year on funds allocated for unmarked residential school burials,” he said.

“This reduction is not only inadequate but reflects a troubling denialism regarding the true scale and significance of this issue. It is essential to recognize that these burial sites are crime scenes, and as such, they must be protected, preserved, and properly investigated.”

We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

The retreat is everywhere…

“But in the past 12 months, the growth rate of electric vehicle sales has slowed sharply as some car buyers have balked at the high prices of electric cars and trucks and the hassles of charging them, especially on long trips.

The shift in consumer sentiment is now forcing many automakers to pull back on aggressive investment plans, and pivot, at least partly, back to the internal-combustion engine vehicles that still account for most new car sales and a large share of corporate profits.”

Ford pivots from EV plans to heavy-duty trucks at Canada facility

“I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one, thereby saving the auto industry from complete obliteration; and savings US customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car.

Friday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada:  Trudeau’s green agenda.  So was Hurricane Hazel caused by global warming?  Try out Justin’s new military for a few months.

Dementia Joe’s America:  The confusing life of leftists.  An exceptionally dim Vox writer.  New White House doctor.  This week in really big lies.

Today In Islam:  The resettlement of savage black Americans in Egypt.  This week in jihad.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

“… he then ordered me to be forcibly dragged out of the court by the police and remanded to prison.”

We didn’t make the new rules. But those are the new rules.

The co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has been given a record five-year prison sentence after a judge said he had “crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic”.

Roger Hallam was found guilty of conspiring to block traffic as part of a Just Stop Oil campaign on the M25 over four days of disruption in November 2022.

The Attorney General was under pressure on Thursday night to intervene over the sentences meted out to Mr Hallam, who also set up Just Stop Oil, and his co-conspirators, which are the longest for non-violent protest in living memory.

Four other eco-activists were each given four-year sentences after they were found guilty of conspiring to block traffic on the M25.


Guinness World Records- 57-year-old runs across Africa in record time while avoiding kidnap

A British-South African man has run the entire length of Africa in 301 days, breaking a 25-year-old world record.

Keith Boyd, 57, achieved the fastest journey from Cape Town to Cairo on foot, beating the previous record by 17 days.

It turned out to be Ethiopia where he encountered the most issues, describing that portion of the run as “hell on Earth”.

If not for the setbacks he experienced there, which include being assaulted and held at gunpoint, he could have completed the journey a few weeks earlier.

Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic

Globe and Mail- There’s a troubling amount of churn at the top of Canada’s public service

Over the nine years it has been in power, the Trudeau government has shuffled senior officials 98 times, with more than 300 specific changes – some individuals multiple times. On average, there have been about 10 shuffles per year. Meanwhile, there are now 41 deputy ministers – more than ever before.

However Much You Hate The Media

It’s not enough:

An unnamed photo editor at a major news outlet believes it is “dangerous” for the media to highlight the historic photo of former President Trump standing tall after the assassination attempt Saturday, calling it “free PR” for the Trump campaign, according to a report.

An Axios media trend assessment on Tuesday argued that the “overuse” of the iconic image can “pose risks,” citing unnamed photographers who reportedly told the outlet that promoting the viral photos could be a form of “photoganda” because the Trump campaign will use them to “further their agenda, despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.” […]

Axios cited a photo editor and photographer “from a major news outlet” who suggested the media refrain from using the photo “despite how good it is” to avoid casting the former president in a positive light.

“The amount that publications have been using Evan’s photo is kind of free PR for Trump in a way, and it’s dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is,” the editor told the outlet.

But The Bike Lanes And Rainbow Crosswalks Are Fab-U-Less

Globe And Mail- The pressing need to fix water pipes

As bad as it looks, a recent Globe and Mail analysis found that greater problems lie waiting. In the country’s biggest cities, nearly one-quarter of the pipes are in poor or very poor condition. And it could be even worse than it seems: condition assessments don’t always involve inspecting a pipe and can rely instead on educated guesswork.
