“Georgina had no previous experience with psychotic episodes”

International Business Times- British Surgeon Blames Daughter’s Vegan Diet For Her Suicide; Lack Of A Key Vitamin ‘Made Her Psychotic’

Owen maintains that vitamin B12 deficiency can significantly increase the risk of severe cognitive disorders like depression, psychosis, and dementia. Additionally, he asserts that it can lead to diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Scientific research supports his claims.

Safe and Effective®

Blacklock’s- Face Years Of Vax Hearings

“There are over 350 religious accommodation grievances currently active with the Board,” wrote Christopher Rootham, arbitrator with the Board. “Arbitration hearings dealing with similar policies in the private or broader public sector have tended to last two days, sometimes followed by written submissions.”

“Therefore scheduling an oral hearing for every religious accommodation case would amount to an impossible burden for the employer, for the bargaining agents and the Board,” wrote Rootham. Future cases will be determined through written submissions, he said.

Supply Management Uber Alles

Blacklock’s- Lib Senators Protest Bloc Bill

Bill C-282 An Act To Amend The Department Of Foreign Affairs Act enshrines dairy, poultry and egg quotas as non-negotiable in any future trade negotiations. The one-page bill passed the Commons in 2023 by a vote of 262 to 51. Opponents numbered mainly Prairie Conservatives and two Liberal MPs, Chandra Arya (Nepean, Ont.) and Nathaniel Erskine-Smith (Beaches-East York, Ont.).

Democracy In Action

Blacklock’s- Resigned To Foreign Donors

Voters are resigned to illegal foreign money influencing federal elections, says in-house research by Elections Canada.

Perrault acknowledged illegal foreign financing was possible. The Commission has evidence Chinese Communist Party agents funnelled $250,000 in illegal cash contributions to 11 “pro-China” politicians in 2019. The candidates were not named.


Blacklock’s- Surveillance Of Ex-Legislator

“A former parliamentarian is suspected of having worked to influence parliamentary business on behalf of a foreign government,” said a July 8 security memo by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

The other cases in the list of six were: “Pakistan officials attempted to clandestinely influence Canadian federal politics,” “India is suspected of leveraging proxy agents to clandestinely provide financial support to specific candidates from three political parties,” “a foreign government official is suspected of foreign interference that resulted in a briefing to a secretly-cleared representative of the Liberal Party shortly before the 2021 election,” “a foreign government undertook several actions including interference to reduce the likelihood of a specific Liberal candidate being elected” and “a foreign government activity supported an individual’s 2019 federal nomination race in Don Valley North through the use of a proxy agent.”

Let Us Remember

Hymie Rubenstein- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation delegitimizes truth. So do attempts to criminalize “residential school denialism”

Today is Canada’s “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” a statutory holiday in many parts of the country.

A growing cohort of informed Canadians will see this day as one of countless federal government virtue signaling-cum-propaganda efforts meant to obscure, deny, or hide the truth about our country’s interaction with its indigenous people, notably the role played in this interaction by the Indian Residential Schools, a noble albeit flawed and occasionally harmful effort to help Canada’s first settlers adapt to the challenges of a rapidly modernizing country, an effort the historical record shows indigenous people and their leaders strongly embraced.

Weird things have been happening in Alberta

Brian Zinchuk: Too much wind, not enough wind? What’s going on in Alberta?

Weird things have been happening in Alberta’s electrical grid over the last week. Interties to BC and Montana are down due to maintenance. Many hours have seen zero dollars paid for power. Wind and solar have been in such surplus numerous facilities have shut down at times to clear the glut. The grid frequency has had numerous variances, including “due to sudden variability of renewables.” Is the Alberta grid pushing the limits of how much wind and solar it can take?

Rescue The Republic

Matt Taibbi’s speech in Washington;

I was once taught you should always open an important speech by making reference to a shared experience.

So what do all of us at “Rescue the Republic” have in common? Nothing!

In a pre-Trump universe chimpanzees would be typing their fourth copy of Hamlet before RFK Jr., Robert Malone, Zuby, Tulsi Gabbard, Russell, Bret Weinstein and I would organically get together for any reason, much less an event like this.

True, everyone speaking has been censored. The issues were all different, but everyone disagreed with “authoritative voices” about something.

Saying no is very American. From “Don’t Tread on Me!” to “Nuts” to “You Cannot Be Serious!” defiance is in our DNA.

Now disagreement is seen as threat, and according to John Kerry, must be “hammered out of existence.” The former Presidential candidate just complained at a World Economic Forum meeting that “it’s really hard to govern” and “our First Amendment stands as a major block” to the important work of hammering out unhealthy choices.

In the open he said this! I was telling Tim Pool about this backstage and he asked, “Was black ooze coming out of his mouth?”

Monday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada:  Don’t worry, Justin will bring in more migrants. Canada’s birthrate at record low.  Big Chief Justin is heading up north today.

Cackling Kamala’s America:  A woeful record.  Coming for your thermostat.  VDH on the war in Ukraine.

Today In Islam:  Police murder another man accused of blasphemy.  Media mourns death of Islamic terror boss.

Woke World:  The modern mother.  Global boiling.

And from the Bee.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

When We Started to Lie.

Exactly ten years ago, during an Israel-Hamas war that seemed major at the time but seems minor now, I published two essays describing my time reporting on Israel for the Associated Press. “Is there anything left to say about Israel and Gaza? Newspapers this summer have been full of little else,” I wrote at the time. “Television viewers see heaps of rubble and plumes of smoke in their sleep.” It wasn’t the volume of coverage that unsettled me in the summer of 2014. I was writing about something that had gone unreported, and which has done much to shape reality in the decade since—a change not in the news but in the newsroom.

The essays—the first for Tablet, and the second for The Atlantic — described my experience as a reporter watching from the inside as a major news organization lost its way in one of the world’s most heavily covered stories. To this day, nothing I’ve ever written has been quoted back at me more often. The essays go back into circulation every time there’s an explosion of violence here, and it happened again after the Hamas attack of October 7.

Predatory Lawfare

As many SDA readers have wondered in the past, when is this place finally going to slide into the ocean?

As most of us are well aware, a lot of plastic waste gets refined back into useable petrochemicals. But that, apparently, is actually a bad thing.

California’s attorney general is suing ExxonMobil, alleging the oil giant engaged in a “decades-long campaign of deception” about the effectiveness of plastics recycling.

The 147-page suit alleges that nearly all of plastic waste processed by the company has been turned into fuel instead of recycled plastic.



Tax Me Harder!

It’s too bad that the Conservatives continue to remain largely silent on the critical issue of repealing Justin’s capital gains tax hikes. The impact is far from trivial.

Based on conventional assumptions that an increase in the tax-inclusive cost of capital by 10 percent causes the capital stock to fall by 7 percent, I estimate that Canada’s capital stock would fall by $127 billion. Employment would permanently decline by 414,000. To put this in terms of its impact on unemployment, the capital gains tax hike would increase unemployment from 1.5 to 1.9 million Canadian workers as of August 2024. GDP will fall by almost $90 billion and real per capita GDP by 3 percent.


Not Our Kind Of Grift

Toronto Star- Bloc pension demands at odds with Liberal political strategy, economic plans

The Liberals have taken great pains in the last year to mould their political strategy around a sense of injustice among millennials and generation-Z Canadians who feel their work isn’t paying off like it did for previous generations.

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been touting policies aimed at “fairness for every generation,” the Bloc has given him until Oct. 29 to green light spending for its private member’s bill to increase old age security for seniors under the age of 75.

The Censorship Industrial Complex

Climategate was the moment they tipped their hand.

The censorship mechanisms we now see on a daily basis in our Google searches, wildly one-sided “news” coverage, and the consolidation of speech codes into full-fledged and sometimes violent censorship on campuses across the nation are the outgrowth of U.S. State Department censorship programs enacted in 2016 after a new bubble of worldwide populism erupted. It marked the point when all of the mechanisms the U.S. employed against our enemies were turned on the American people. […]

in this interview [Mike Benz is] given the time (nearly three hours) to explain the construction of the apparatus that American taxpayers pay for and are victimized by.
