Big fat zero from Alberta’s giant fans on Tuesday

Alberta’s 1568 wind turbines didn’t power a single lightbulb Tuesday morning, producing a big fat zero megawatts

And, as promised yesterday, more on those Clean Electricity Regulations that mean even MORE wind and solar, and no more coal or natural gas without carbon capture.

Clean Electricity Regulations: Cenovus Energy (Detailed, with recommendations)

And maybe Wilkinson thinks aforementioned wind turbines will power all those electric heat pumps, when it’s cold, and when it’s hot. What am I saying? Of course he does.

Liberal energy minister promises ban on oil furnaces for new builds as soon as 2028


TC Energy’s US$15B Keystone XL claim thrown out by trade tribunal

We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

Robert Bryce;

Two of Europe’s biggest energy companies are abandoning the SS Offshore Wind.

In May, Shell, the UK-based oil and gas giant (2023 revenue: $317 billion), announced that it was cutting staff from its offshore wind business because, according to Bloomberg, the company has decided to focus on markets that “deliver the most value for our investors and customers.” Bloomberg also reported that the staff cuts were made after the departures of top executives in the company’s offshore wind and renewable power businesses.

Last month, Murray Auchincloss, the CEO of oil and gas giant BP, imposed a “hiring freeze and paused new offshore wind projects.” According to Reuters, the new CEO is putting more “emphasis on oil and gas amid investor discontent over its energy transition strategy” and that BP (2023 revenue: $208 billion) was cutting investments in “big budget, low-carbon projects, particularly in offshore wind, that are not expected to generate cash for years.”

The moves by BP and Shell are only the latest examples of the troubles facing the offshore wind sector, which has been foundering on the shoals of higher interest rates, citizen opposition, and ballooning costs. Over the past year, numerous projects on the Eastern Seaboard, including Skipjack Wind in Maryland, Park City Wind in Connecticut, and South Coast Wind in Massachusetts, have been canceled due to bad economics. In all, according to data compiled by Ed O’Donnell, a nuclear engineer and a principal at New Jersey-based Whitestrand Consulting, about 14,700 megawatts of offshore wind capacity has been canceled. For comparison, about 15,500 megawatts of capacity is now in development, under construction, or operational.

Of course, those figures don’t jibe with the tsunami of hype about offshore wind energy that has appeared in major media outlets. But the hard reality is that America’s offshore wind sector is a subsidy-dependent industry that is dominated by foreign companies who are in bed with some of America’s biggest climate NGOs, including the NRDC (gross receipts: $555 million) and Sierra Club (Gross receipts: $184 million).

Poking Holes in the Lone Wolf Narrative

This is a few days old but still highly relevant: The Duran Interviews Larry Johnson

3 days before the assassination attempt, the Warmonger Queen, Victoria Nuland, predicted an “Unhappy Surprise” for Donald Trump.

Related: Who was involved in short selling of Truth Social in the days before the attempted assassination?

Added by Kate:

A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

“A Reinvigorated Sense Of Purpose”

Armstrong Economics- Does a Near Death Experience Change You?

Many assume that near-death experiences completely alter a person’s views regardless of how devout they may have been. I can say after the attempt on my life that I survived, to their dismay, when I awoke from a coma days later; it did change me, but not in the way I have read that people assume. In my case, it took the fear of death from me rather than making me more devout and afraid of death. But it also strengthened me as I knew my purpose was to stand up and fight.

When You Put History Through A Narcissistic Filter

Blacklocks- Repeats “First Woman” Claim

“I am the first woman finance minister in Canada,” said Freeland. “That’s a fact.

“…I am the first mother who has ever been finance minister in Canada and I am sure that I have changed more diapers than any finance minister in Canadian history, probably maybe than 10 finance ministers together,” said Freeland.

“…None of them have nursed,” said Freeland. “None of them know what it is like to pump your breast milk at the office.”

Oh really?

Canada’s first woman finance minister was Dr. Bette Stephenson, a mechanic’s daughter appointed in 1985 to Ontario’s Progressive Conservative cabinet as deputy premier and finance minister by then-Premier Frank Miller. A mother of six, Stephenson was also the first woman elected president of the Canadian Medical Association.

…Stephenson died in 2019 at 95. Minister Freeland did not comment at the time.

Featured comment: JD

New Rules

They were warned they wouldn’t like them.

There’s some controversy about this because it’s unpleasant. But here’s the thing. We’re betraying our own powerless people if we don’t use the power we have to protect them by making the side that imposed these new rules feel the costs.

We have tried reason. We have tried appeals to simple justice. They have failed. Now we need to apply punishment. They need to know there is a cost to this. If we fail to impose a cost on them for doing this because doing so is unpleasant, we have betrayed our own people and left them exposed. The left will not stop unless it has reason to. This is reason to.

Sometimes you have to be stern.

No Retirement For You!

Not to worry. When mark to market won’t give you the results you want, just mark to book value. If need be, fill the balance sheet with made up numbers. That’s sure to safeguard your retirement savings.

Canada’s large pensions are facing rising losses from real estate investments, according to a sector report by Fitch Ratings Inc., which concluded that fund titans are nevertheless well-positioned to absorb near-term market swings.

The ratings agency said it has not seen widespread private credit losses, though defaults are likely to tick up for the remainder of this year and into 2025 given higher debt service burdens for underlying borrowers and slowing growth.

Wednesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Can we really talk about unity?  Is Jill Biden forcing Joe to run?  Biden’s buddies in Iran plot to assassinate Trump.

Blackie’s Canada:  J.D. Vance a Freedom Convoy supporter.  Building a Somali Muslim centre on city parkland (CBC).

Woke Europe:  Paul Joseph Watson on free speech in Germany.

Today In Islam:  Iran is funding the protests.  Moderate Muslims in NYC.  Moderate Muslims in Germany.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

The @SaskTeachersFed can’t stop obsessing about your kid’s sexuality. There used to be a word for that.

Bumped with more from @SheilaGunnReid;

Trudeau funds Fae Johnstone's hustle to attack Sask parents. Wisdom2Action has a rebrand and more money. $400K more. Queer Momentum is hiring a Sask organizer with that money to go after Scott Moe's Parent's Bill of Rights.

“Fae” Johnstone is a guy, of course.
