Where’s My Stuff?

Blacklocks- Freight Costs Way Up: Report

“the average end to end container transit time as measured from Shanghai through the Port of Vancouver to Chicago increased from an average of 25.4 days in 2019 to 29.1 days in 2020 and 33.8 days in 2021.” All customers paid,

“The price of maritime container shipping rose 385 percent or more than fourfold from November 2020 to September 2021,” wrote the department. “Delays at ports mean that goods must wait on ships longer which causes prices to increase but also reduces availability of shipping

The Slippery Roof Defense

Daily Mail- Secret Service director gives bizarre reason why an agent wasn’t on the roof where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump

‘That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,’ she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday.

You mean like this?

Update: Juxtapose

Risk power shortages and grid instability

Cenovus Lloydminster Upgrader. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

In the continuing Clean Electricity Regulations series, we have the first of two stories from Cenovus, Saskatchewan’s largest oil producer:

Clean Electricity Regulations: Cenovus Energy (Overview) – a much more detailed piece will be published tomorrow.

“In Saskatchewan specifically, we are concerned that the tight timelines required to adhere to the CER will risk power shortages and grid instability.” – Cenovus


Lithium land sale brings in just under $6 million as SE Sask area grows


From Associated Press, Trump wants to cut taxes and pump more oil

Tuesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  The leftists’ despicable coverage.  An anti-woke dog.  Trump’s raised fist.  The Democrat paradise of California.

Blackie’s Canada:  Reaction from Canadian professors.  Is Justin fundraising at taxpayer expense again?  Trudeau is working hard to make life miserable for Canadians.

Woke Britain:  The Frank Report.     Today In Islam:  A terrorist rally.  And interfaith dialogue in NY.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

“It’s all out war, now”

Who wants popcorn?

“The PMO is throwing their own DPM under the bus,” said one former senior Liberal. “Invoking Katie’s [Telford] name in doing it. Freeland has fought more battles for this government than anyone—she does not deserve this treatment.”

In a tweet, author Stephen Maher tweeted a page from his new book The Prince that suggested that leaks about Morneau were likely the reason why Carney never joined the Trudeau team.

“Seeing Morneau being treated so shabbily seems to have given Carney pause, and he did not allow himself to be seduced,” wrote Maher. “They spooked him by putting the shiv in Morneau.”

On social media, political insiders and pundits blasted the PMO for making anonymous negative comments, and suggested that Freeland should step down before she’s shuffled out of the portfolio.

In Government Incompetence Today…

Blacklocks- ‘No Records’ On $8B Blunder

The Canada Revenue Agency says it has “no records” divulging who made an $8 billion mistake in mismanaging a pandemic relief program, according to Access To Information files.

“Let me be clear, we are not perfect,” testified Hamilton. The Revenue Commissioner said an unidentified government official told the Revenue Agency to process claims, no questions asked.

Blacklocks- “Equality Fund” Lost Millions

The Equality Fund was to correct “the funding shortfall for women’s rights and feminist organizations in developing countries,” wrote auditors. “It was meant to provide a sustainable, predictable and flexible source of funding that would enable women’s rights and feminist organizations to advance gender equality and empower women and girls.”

It’s JD Vance

Ben Shapiro weighs in: a bold pick, a whole new generation… you cannot doubt his IQ, you cannot doubt he’s a bulldog.

Glenn Reynolds;

With Trump feeling — literally — the wind of mortality on his neck, he’s going to want a backup who’ll carry the MAGA flame, not some milquetoast who might “balance the ticket” but who wouldn’t be worth it if he/she stepped into Trump’s shoes. Plus at best Trump can only serve one term; he wants someone who might follow him in office and carry the MAGA vision forward.


Earlier today, Trump called for RFK to get Secret Service protection, and a friend messaged me: “Haha, when they do that, our crazy orange former president official becomes shadow chief executive. Making the common sense calls the Biden admin can’t quite manage.”

And later today, they did that, with Sec. Mayorkas announcing that RFK will get Secret Service protection. To which my friend comments: “Prediction: Here through Jan 20 will be the first six months of the second Trump admin.”

The dynamism is all on one side here.
