Manitoba wind, Alberta taxes, Lloydminster heavy oil

It turns out developing more wind in Manitoba is a big deal for Manitoba Hydro – CEO sacking sorta big deal.

Alberta to relax rule on buying oil, gas wells if municipal taxes unpaid

The Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show is coming up in just under two months. I’ll be there if anyone would like to say hello. I’m identifiable by the fat guy with all the cameras sitting at the front.

And since everyone is talking about the Trump assimilation attempt, I have to say, Peter Zeihan’s video about it this morning is the worst I’ve ever seen from him – and I’m generally a huge fan of his work. His disappointment that it wasn’t successful shows through. Maybe it’s because he’s been saying Biden in a landslide – well, that’s not going to happen now.

Say It Isn’t So, Joe!


MSNBC pulled its left-leaning talk show “Morning Joe” from the air on Monday following an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump over the weekend.

The progressive show, hosted by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, will not air Monday morning and will resume Tuesday, despite the start of the Republican National Convention.

A source familiar with the matter told CNN that the show was pulled to prevent one of its dozens of guests from making an inappropriate comment while live that could paint the show and network in a bad light.

It’s Political Nudity, You See

Come to think of it, I’m not entirely sure what loving one’s body might mean, beyond the obvious off-colour jokes. But apparently, it’s something that one is supposed to proclaim as an accomplishment, a credential of progressivism. I have, however, noted that it tends to be announced by people whose declared triumph in this matter is not altogether convincing, and whose basis for doing so is generally much slimmer than they are.

Come, children. Mommy wants you to see her arse.

Quota Über Alles

Watch them in action.

First day on the job? Demand an Investigation for Resignation – Removal of Kimberly Cheatle as Director of USSS

The current Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, stands accused by several Agency sources of misusing her position to perpetuate prohibited personnel practices in recruitment, selection, assignment, promotion, and disciplinary action based on demographics rather than merit.

Wir Brauchen Keine Brennenden, Funkelnden Autos


Volkswagen is planning to cut another 1,000 jobs by the end of 2024 at its factory in Zwickau, Germany. The demand for electric vehicles (EVs) remains weak and turbulent.

The news is another blow to a region already gripped by economic and political uncertainty, and underscores how Germany’s green master plan remains an illusion.

The Zwickau plant still employs about 9,400 workers and exclusively produces vehicles with electric drives.

“The move is a result of slow sales of EVs,” reports Blackout News. “The automotive industry is currently experiencing a turbulent phase. Many companies are increasingly focusing on electro-mobility, but consumers remain hesitant. High purchase costs, limited range and an inadequate charging infrastructure are some of the reasons that are deterring potential buyers.”
