Tag: climate news

Blowout 227

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

This week’s lead story features media hysteria over the alleged dangers of nuclear power. Russia’s first floating nuclear plant has begun its journey from St. Petersburg to Murmansk and is already being described as a “floating Chernobyl” even though it doesn’t have any fuel loaded. We follow up with a mix of hopefully more educational stories on OPEC and Angola; oil company profits rise; Nord Stream; US nuclear plant closures;  Allianz to stop insuring coal miners; coal miners making money because of the “war on coal”; Denmark’s EV debacle; Mercedes exits the US home battery market; the enormous pumped hydro potential of Indonesia; frustration at the Bonn Climate Conference; Ireland faces EU emissions fines; energy efficiency rollouts in the UK and how you can now earn UN carbon credits by riding your bicycle:

Blowout 227

Blowout 226

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

This week we feature the impact of renewable energy on electricity prices. The question is, if renewables are so cheap why are electricity rates increasing? To follow: OPEC achieves 150% production cut compliance; 2018 oil price to average $65; US gas pipelines under threat; Gazprom pumps record gas to Europe; more US nuclear plant shutdowns; more gas plants for sale in UK; US EPA agrees biomass is carbon neutral; Taiwan’s energy shortage, hydro and geothermal in Kenya; Australia’s NEG to kill renewables; South Africa explores energy storage; Brexit won’t change UK’s “climate ambition”; cracks in Hunterston reactor; the UK’s first blockchain energy transfer (all of 1kWh), and how climate change shrinks birds.

Blowout 226

Blowout 225

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews:

For our lead story this week we return to the UK, which is reviewing the question of whether its 80%-by-2050 emissions reduction target will be enough to meet its Paris commitments and whether it shouldn’t target 100% instead. We follow with our usual mix of stories from the energy and climate patch: Trump slams OPEC; fracking in China; Canada’s oil pipeline crisis; rising world demand for Russian nuclear power stations; Germany confirms LNG plans; Australia’s clean coal plan collapses; EU denounces the “Belt & Road” initiative; hydro in Indonesia; biomass at Drax; electricity price hikes in Scotland; gravity-based energy storage and California Governor Jerry Brown says global warming will kill 3 billion people.

Blowout 225

Blowout 223

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

In this week’s feature article a major corporation that has proudly gone “100% renewable” – Google – admits that its power really doesn’t come from renewables at all. We follow up with the usual dose of OPEC; a giant oil discovery in Bahrain; Finland approves Nordstream 2; the Bonneville Dam under fire; Belgium to ditch nuclear; the IEA driving the world towards climate disaster; China’s globally interconnected clean energy grid; towns to regulate cryptocurrency mining; Lancashire ready for fracking; Sizewell’s uncertain future; melting ice in Antarctica and how Scotland the Brave can save the world from climate change.

Blowout 223

And lost in the big transition last week

Blowout 222

Blowout 221

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews. A bit delayed this week because I have a job 🙂 Finding it difficult to keep all the strands running.

This week we again feature Tesla’s Big South Australian Battery (BSAB), which Tesla claims is not getting paid for 30-40% of the energy it delivers to the grid. Stories to follow include: OPEC and Russia to stick together: Gazprom can’t do without Ukraine’s pipelines; Germany to convert to LNG; the Cyprus gas field conflict; blackout warnings in NSW; the Gulf’s first hydro plant; the EU’s “stupid” climate targets; the Europe-China interconnector; climate concerns can a UK coal mine; more climate change lawsuits on the cards in the US; thermal energy storage in crushed rock; global CO2 emissions rise in 2017 and palm trees in Canada.

Blowout 221

Blowout 220

An ecelctic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

This week we feature the one technology that could solve all the world’s energy problems – nuclear fusion – which MIT scientists claim can be supplying grid power within 15 years. We follow with OPEC and Venezuela; Europe’s oil future; the UK/Russia standoff; Canada to go nuclear; Ireland to ban coal; South African coal miners put renewables on hold; Russia hacks US power plants; New York commits $1.4 billion to renewables; Czech tycoon commits $1.2 billion to buying old coal plants; Europe’s hydropower drying up; smart grids in UK; an Even Bigger South Australian Battery; electricity from raindrops and how the Permo-Triassic mass extinction was caused by burning coal.

Blowout 220

Blowout 219

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

This week’s lead story picks itself. Finally we have a study from a respected academic institution which concludes that 100% – or even 77% – renewable energy won’t keep the lights on. We follow with OPEC’s nightmare scenario; Saudi Arabia gets into fracking; oil majors and climate change; another Ukraine-Russia gas dispute; Germany’s coal phase-out stalls again; Canada’s climate targets; cheap power from Snowy 2.0; competition for Tesla; Theresa May seeks energy cooperation with EU; Labour backs Mersey tidal; Scotland’s world-beating wind farm and how Serbia and Kosovo made you late for work.

Blowout 219

Blowout 219

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

This weeks’ lead story inevitably features the Beast from the East. Was it caused by climate change? Of course it was. Stories to follow include OPEC meets the US shale producers; the plight of Venezuela’s oil workers; North Sea oil & gas; Australia buys Snowy Hydro; Fukushima nuclear releases; the Arab World’s first nuclear plant; coal in China; yet another 100% renewable study; surplus solar and cryptocurrency mining in Japan; UK zero-CO2 ad banned; a diesel car ban in Germany; GE’s gigantic new wind turbine and airdrops for starving polar bears.

Blowout 219

Blowout 217

And eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around The World

This week’s lead article features the “imminent end of cheap finance” – does this mean disaster for the renewable energy sector? We follow up with our usual mix of stories from around the world – OPEC; oil in California; Europe’s gas supplies and the “Beast from the East”; India needs 300 more nuclear reactors; Trump wants to sell off BPA; South Australia ramps up its renewable target; CCS in South Dakota; Elon Musk’s virtual power plant; a new offer on Swansea Tidal; Jacobson withdraws his defamation lawsuit; solar-powered rail for the UK and how CO2 dissolves Scottish starfish.

Blowout 217
Also last week:
Is Volatility in Oil Price on the Way, Again?

Oil price volatility exhibits periodic characteristics which correlate to that of general stock market volatility.

Blowout 216

Britain’s free market approach to green energy is not going to save humanity from climate change, claims Labour’s Jeremy Corbin in this week’s feature story. So let’s nationalize the UK energy industry. Stories to follow include OPEC vs. shale; Venezuela’s collapse; Gazprom and Europe’s gas; nuclear in India, Taiwan, France and the Middle East; carbon capture & storage in the US and Norway; Bitcoin mining in Iceland; a Puerto Rico school goes solar; Elon Musk to shake up the Oz grid; CCGTs lose out to batteries and interconnectors in US and UK capacity auctions, blockchain grid balancing in Germany; Lord Deben questions Swansea Bay; the coming mini-ice age and the solution to climate change – more women.

Blowout 216

Blowout 215

This week’s lead story highlights the perils of basing policy decisions on speculative computer models. It seems that the ozone layer isn’t healing as predicted after all, so the dangers of man-made CFC radiation are still with us. And if radiation doesn’t do the job other computer models now tell us that melting permafrost threatens us with death from mercury poisoning. And if neither happens the forthcoming magnetic pole reversal spells the demise of civilization as we know it. Lots more energy and climate-related stories in this bumper Blowout, too numerous to synthesize, but read on and enjoy anyway. They’re not all bad.

Blowout 215

Blowout 214

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world:

This week’s feature story raises the intriguing question of whether Russia, already a de facto OPEC member, shouldn’t become a de jure one. We follow up with a series of unusually optimistic stories on the future of oil and gas; France’s load-following nuclear plants; China’s new nuclear mega-company; Fukushima as a tourist destination; the EU acts to keep coal and gas plants afloat; a climate skeptic in charge of EU environmental policy; cuts in US clean energy spending; Maine’s wind moratorium; the UK’s recent capacity market auction; Australia’s heatwave inflates power costs; Ex-Obama adviser rejects battery storage; a 500-year solar cycle and how climate change turns big beetles into little ones.

Blowout 213

Our usual eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world assembled by Roger Andrews

Donald Trump’s imposition of solar tariffs gets the nod as this week’s feature story. Does it signal a dismal future for solar in the US or is it just a bump in the road? In other news we have US shale spoiling the oil price rally; Austria on the nuclear warpath (again); Toshiba spins off Westinghouse; a nuclear reactor that won’t melt down; Canadians back renewables; Australia will meet its 2020 emissions target but Germany won’t; Macron’s tainted climate charm offensive; the “Tesla of the canals”; battery storage in the UK – yes or no? Budweiser beer is now 100% renewable and how bacon, egg and sausage sandwiches are to blame for global warming.

Blowout 212

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news from around the world.

Without urgent action the UK will miss its climate targets, says this week’s feature story. What will it take to meet them? Carbon capture and storage and lots of electric cars. We follow with the US the world’s energy leader; Russian gas in Europe; NASA tests its mini-nuke; New York sues Shell & BP over climate change; the solar lobby files to stop construction of a Michigan gas plant; the EU ups its renewables targets; bitcoin miners flock to Canada; France to double wind capacity; Tesla’s Hornsdale battery gets paid for charging; UK wind and solar investment craters; Nike goes 100% renewable and how a warming Arctic is entombing musk oxen in ice and shrinking their babies.

Blowout 211

This week we return to the Big South Australian Battery (BSAB), the alleged success of which – the “Tesla effect” – is spawning a raft of similar projects elsewhere in the country. Coming after we have Frydenberg on Snowy River; the usual dose of OPEC; Russia sells gas to the US; less gas to come from Groningen; California to close Diablo Canyon; coal in Finland, Poland, Bulgaria and Japan, hydro in Colombia; Germany’s Energiewende problems; renewables in Denmark and Colorado; less gas capacity planned for UK; Ineos to challenge Scotland’s fracking ban; a contingency plan needed for cold winter nights when the wind doesn’t blow; Trump reconsiders Paris and how climate change makes turtles female.

Blowout 211
Earlier in the week:
The 2018 Oil Production Forecast Explained

Blowout 210

Is the US about to become the world’s largest oil producer? Our feature story says yes. To follow we have Trump’s offshore leasing program; record Russian gas production; Saudi Arabia’s gasoline price hike; Germany shuts down a nuclear reactor; Australia’s industry to power down during heatwave; Coal growth in Asia; the Snowy hydro project a “write off”; UK releases plans for coal phase-out; North America’s largest lithium battery; the wind (almost) always blows somewhere in Europe; fossil-fuel burning without the CO2; Scotland’s plans to combat coastal erosion and the struggle to save chocolate from climate change extinction.
Blowout 210

Blowout 209

This week’s lead story features the imminent return of the Ice Age to UK – good news for those looking forward to a White Christmas. After that the usual mix: record production from the Permian, Putin replaces petroleum with natural gas; New England replaces natural gas with petroleum; nuclear plant restarts and shutdowns in Japan; German factories paid for using electricity; batteries and the California Duck Curve, solar in the Canadian Arctic; renewables in South Korea; the Scotland-Wales transmission link, UK frackers running out of time; the brutal US-Canada cold snap; Santa relocates to the South Pole and a Happy New Year to all.

Blowout 209

Blowout 208

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world:

In this week’s Blowout we once more feature Tesla’s Big South Australian Battery, which is already helping to save Australia from blackouts. We follow with OPEC’s dilemma; Saudi Arabia hunts for gas; Macron backs nuclear; BHP exits the World Coal Organization; China’s carbon trading market; India’s hybrid wind-solar project; AEMO’s baseload-free future; CSP in the Sahara; Swansea Bay on the skids; climate scientists flock to France; snowfall doubles in Alaska while climate change threatens the Winter Olympics, and Season’s Greetings to all our readers.

Blowout 208

Blowout 206

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

Have you ever wondered how you are going to charge your EV during a blackout? This week’s feature story tells you. We continue with more US oil to Asia; the Israel-Italy natural gas pipeline; Chinese hydro projects canceled; BHP installs 30MW of diesel generation; Google now 100% renewable; “game over” for CCS; GE to cut 12,000 jobs; Europe’s utilities to go 100% carbon-neutral; Korea to Moorside’s rescue; UK mismanagement of North Sea oil and how climate change is going to be even worse than we thought.

Blowout 206
