Tag: co2

Saskatchewan’s Year in Energy: Premier Scott Moe, 2023: Part 1, Fighting the Feds

Scott Moe.

Energy, and the “energy transition” being forced upon Canadians by the federal government, is becoming the dominant story, affecting all our lives and everything we do. In his year-end interview with Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, Pipeline Online dives deep into the biggest energy issues of the past year.

This is Part 1: Fighting the Feds.

Part 2 will focus on addressing low oil drilling activity, despite decent oil prices.

Part 3 discusses the Clean Electricity Regulations and their impact, and widespread adoption of nuclear power.

Part 4 talks about lithium and helium development, and ends with Christmas greetings.

Guilbeault thinks he’s getting his wish. Is he?

Steven Guilbeault. X/@s_guilbeault


“We reached a historic consensus to move away from fossil fuels in energy systems,” Guilbeault’s statement on the conclusion of COP28, verbatim.

And the Canadian Press version:

Guilbeault hails ‘monumental’ COP28 deal, others warn of ‘dangerous distractions’


COP28 Agreement Signals “Beginning of the End” of the Fossil Fuel Era: the verbatim press release

And the conclusion from yesterday’s op-ed:

Op-Ed: Deidra Garyk: The Impact of ESG on the Energy Sector, Part 2


Hans Gruber or Steven Guilbeault? Can you see the difference?

And since it’s the Christmas season, and Die Hard IS a Christmas movie, here’s a little Hans Gruber. Notice any resemblance to anyone? And if you don’t think Die Hard is a Christmas movie, fight me! Yippee Kai Yay, …


COP28: Canadian gov’t focused on shutting down oil and gas while Saskatchewan was speaking for it

Feds “focused on targeting the shutdown of a complete industry, regardless of whether they’re going to meet their emissions targets or not,” says Saskatchewan Premier Moe in Dubai

Pipeline Online speaks with Premier Scott Moe at conclusion of Dubai COP28 trip. (Another reporter asked questions, too, like do you believe the planet is warming…?

Emissions cap coming

So says the feds. Because of course it is. Thanks, Guilbeault and Wilkinson.

Oh, and the country with the largest oil reserves in the world is a failing state because of two decades of socialism. So what are they going to do? Invade their neighbour, to grab more oil. We don’t get a lot of nation-state wars and invasions in this hemisphere, but we might see one with days.

Guyana’s president says his country is preparing to defend itself from Venezuela over disputed area

And for something completely different,

Brian Zinchuk: This year will be the 38nd anniversary of me not getting the G.I. Joe aircraft carrier for Christmas

(Yes, I know the graphic says 32nd year. It was originally published 6 years ago, and as updated, as it still applies today. No aircraft carrier for me, or likely you, either. But you know you wanted one.)

I am Spartacus! I am Duncan!

Do y’all like gladiator movies? What’s better than a bunch of big men trying to kill each other with swords, axes, spears and just good old fashioned bare fists. Not much in my opinion. It’s like UFC, except there is all that blood, dismemberment and death. The classic line by Russell Crowe in Gladiator “Are you not entertained?” always come to mind.

Like all screwed up stories in Canada lately, this one begins with our fearless leader, Justin Trudeau.

Clean Electricity Regulations, pipelines, new nuclear


I’ve been on the road, so there’s a whole lot to get caught up on:

Clean Electricity Regulations:

Saskatchewan and Alberta are tag-teaming the fight with Ottawa on the Clean Electricity Regulations. First, Alberta says on Monday it will use its Sovereignty Act (and Guilbeault has something to say about that). Then Saskatchewan names its tribunal panelists to look into the Clean Electricity Regulations and the harm they will do to the province. One of the panelists is Ken From, former CEO of SaskEnergy and occasional columnist for Pipeline Online. Another is former NDP finance minister and deficit-slayer Janice MacKinnon.

Wilkinson says Ottawa has always been flexible on clean energy rules. Yeah, right. A Canadian Press story.


Oilsands producers confident in their massive carbon capture project.


Enbridge is finally, really, totally, completely done on Line 3 replacement. Really.

Coastal GasLink pipeline, the one to feed LNG Canada and finally allow LNG exports, has now been hydrotested and is now mechanically complete.

Nuclear, small and large:

Saskatchewan funds the Saskatchewan Research Council getting its first micro reactor. Notably, it’s a Westinghouse eVinci. Who closed its 49% purchase of Westinghouse a few weeks ago? Cameco.

SNC-Lavalin under a new name launches its first 1000 megawatt CANDU reactors.

The biggest opponent to nuclear development in Saskatchewan for decades was NDP MLA and cabinet minister Peter Prebble. Guess who is now complaining about Saskatchewan’s greenhouse gas emissions?  – a Zinchuk column


A huge change occurred in Saskatchewan media, with the retirement of John Gormley, the king of talk radio in the Land of Living Skies for the last 25 years. His replacement is former Regina Police Service chief Evan Bray.

Saskatchewan says following the Net Zero by 2035 Clean Electricity Regulations are not possible, unaffordable, unconstitutional and unobtainable

Dustin Duncan

In August, Steven Guilbeault released the draft Clean Electricity Regulations which mean to remake our entire country in just 11 years.

On Nov. 2, Saskatchewan told them where to go. Today, they said publicly how to get there.

Three stories:

It just isn’t possible’ – SaskPower Minister in-depth response to Clean Electricity Regulations.

SaskPower response to the Clean Electricity Regulations: ‘Not possible from technological, financial and logistical perspectives

Saskatchewan response to the Clean Electricity Regulations: Unaffordable, unconstitutional and unobtainable.

One BC First Nation standing in the way of another’s development of LNG terminal

The Nisga’a signed one of the first modern treaties in 1999, and is well on its way to making a final decision next year on the development of a multi-billion dollar LNG facility, with the backing of numerous natural gas producers, including Crescent Point Energy. But its neighbouring First Nation, the Lax Kw’alaams, are standing in the way. In the meantime, the world isn’t waiting and another opportunity for Canadian LNG is going down the tubes (posted last week).

Also: Senator Pamela Wallin was doing video interviews decades before Zoom existing. Last week she spoke to Pipeline Online editor and owner Brian Zinchuk regarding electrification, EVs, fuel economy, nuclear power, heat pumps, carbon tax and whole lot more.

Speaking of which, the Epoch Times picked up Zinchuk’s recent column on five year plans for the “Just Transition.”  Since that publication’s driving purpose is to fight against the Chinese Communist Party, they might know a thing or two about how five year plans went there.

Fighting the carbon tax tooth and nail

Pipeline Online did In depth interview with the woman at the centre of the carbon tax storm, Conservative Natural Resources Critic Shannon Stubbs. This is part 1.

Also, hope for rising oil prices to lead to an increase in activity were dashed, so one of Saskatchewan’s serial entrepreneurs relocated one of his operations, based in Regina, to North Dakota, instead. Anyone care to guess why Canada’s oilpatch didn’t see an uptick in activity, and does it rhyme with “Doh?”

Saskatchewan will use the Sask First Act to fight the feds on climate change initiatives

It was a full year ago when the Saskatchewan First Act was introduced and then brought into law. But now the provincial government is going to use it to fight the federal government’s climate change initiatives on Clean Electricity Regulations, Clean Fuel Standard, and an incoming emissions cap for oil and gas.

And here’s why:

Another day of near-flatline wind power production in Alberta on Wednesday. 13 of 38 wind farms produce 1 megawatt, or less (as in zero) for 24 hours. Several of those had capacities in the 100 to 200 megawatt range. And all the got was one, for a few minutes at a time.

And despite renewables clearly failing miserably, as noted above, Canada needs to move faster on renewable energy, Jonathan Wilkinson says.

There were some other energy issues raised in Wednesday’s Throne Speech.


Suncor CEO called out on the carpet for no longer drinking the Kool-aid

What, actually caring about profits is bad now?

Kruger was at the House of Commons natural resources committee to explain comments he made to shareholders in August about reducing his company’s emphasis on the transition to lower-emitting energy sources.

Kruger said his comments were misinterpreted as Suncor ending its commitment to curbing its carbon footprint, when the focus is really on ensuring the company is making profits now to be able to afford the required investments in decarbonization.

Also, North American Helium opens its seventh helium processing facility in Saskatchewan. For those who might be counting, that’s the fourth in less than a year.

And Tourmaline buys Bonavista Energy

And the Energy Transition Podcast talks about threats multiplying to global energy security.


More reaction to Bill C-69 No More Pipelines Act, and another helium producer starts production

Here’s Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s response, verbatim. I like doing these verbatim pieces because it allows the reader to hear the full-throated discussion, without a filter. It’s interesting how she talks about how the $20.6 billion Teck Frontier oilsands mine was killed by the No More Pipelines Act. That’s not chump change. Anyone think they might reconsider it? (That’s a trick question – Teck has since abandoned and sold off its oilsands interests – for obvious reasons.)

Also, after nearly three years of work since it drilled its first well near Climax, Saskatchewan, Royal Helium has entered into production with its first helium facility near Brooks, Alberta. This is transformational for the company, as it turns Royal from an explorer with no revenue to a helium producer, with revenue. Indeed, its production is already locked up in sales, so strong is the demand. And expect their next focus to likely be in Saskatchewan.

I’ll have another significant helium story posted for Tuesday morning. Exciting times, this.
