Tag: electric vehicles

I’m trying. I really am. But they make it so hard sometimes…

Brian Crossman

Brian Crossman in Pipeline Online: “I am. I’m really, really trying. I had a bit of a rough year health-wise, which of course leads to over-thinking your place in the world. So, I thought I would try to be a better person. You know, be nice to strangers, try harder at all the important things, do better at being charitable. But the biggest change I wanted to make was to quit complaining about, berating and outright insulting our political leaders.”

Guilbeault lights a firestorm

There’s a truism in politics: “All politics is local.” And there’s nothing more local than the road full of potholes in front of your house. But Minster of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, supposedly speaking on behalf of the entire federal government, seems to think we don’t need any more roads. The reaction was fast and furious.

Liberals rebrand carbon-price rebates in bid to make policy more palatable

The Saskatchewan and Alberta NDP distance themselves from their federal brethren regarding banning promotion of oil and gas.

Also regarding the NDP’s banning everything, because, why not?

NDP to move bill calling for ban of coal exports as Canadian output booms

The one charger to rule them all…

The charger format war is over. The one charger to rule them all is Tesla’s. A major stumbling block in EV adoption has been overcome, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Any organization installing electric vehicle chargers, including SaskPower, FCL and government, should take note of this major development, and cease wasting money on now-obsolete tech, as FCL has been doing (especially in installing CHAdeMO chargers). I mentioned this is a presentation several months ago to the Building Owners and Managers Association Regina. Turns out I was bang on the money.

Edit: missing link added above. Thanks.

What ‘doubling the electrical grid’ really means

This is what the Boundary Dam to Regina transmission line looks like currently. Photo by Brian Zinchuk
And this is what the Boundary Dam to Regina transmission line would look like if the grid were doubled. It’s a lot easier to Photoshop than to build. Photo by Brian Zinchuk


Brian Zinchuk: Imagine twinning every highway, grid road, street and alleyway across the country in 25 years. Because that’s what doubling the #grid is going to be equivalent of.

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies, human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria! The meteor is on its way, and CBC just posted a critical story on electric vehicles. Pipeline Online had to share this one. And yes, I borrowed from Ghostbusters there.

In the meanwhile, charging those cars with solar power in Alberta would have been tough on Sunday at noon.

On the topic of cars, a Edmonton-area heavy equipment rental shop took the second largest Caterpillar dozer made and crushed a car with it, just because.

On Friday, the Biden Administration took a shotgun and fired a barrel into each foot of one of the biggest success stories in the American energy industry, one which kept Europe from going dark when the Ukraine war started. And here’s the Whitehouse’s backgrounder on it, verbatim, which reads like a description of how the Biden-Harris administration has applied a knee to the neck of the American energy industry.

(I’m not sure when they started doing this, but the Whitehouse press office continually refers to the Biden-Harris administration. Are they expecting someone to perhaps fall off the ticket between now and November? Like maybe Biden’s health won’t hold out and it’ll be a Harris presidential candidacy?)

Weekend Watch: Has London gone enviro mad? Jordan Peterson talks to Laurence Fox

Has London, England gone stark raving mad? You might ask yourself that from just the first 10 minutes of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s interview with Laurence Fox. Fox had to be careful in what he said, because his bail conditions for tweets, no less, limits what he can say.

Surveillance state, taxing fossil-fuel vehicles out of existence to the benefit of electric vehicles, vehicles for the rich that the poor can’t afford, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, EVs as a form of control – and that’s just the first 10 minutes! If you watch nothing else this weekend, watch this.

Are we going to let this happen here? Ask yourself.

Ministry of Truth (Environment) pronounces EVs work in the cold, so we all have to buy them

Editor’s Note: In Pipeline Online’s continuing mission to allow the people of Saskatchewan know precisely what their federal government is telling them on climate change initiatives, here’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault’s press release of Dec. 19, explaining how the federal government will move to outlaw the sale of gas and diesel light vehicles in 11 years and 13 days. This press release has quotes from no less than five federal ministers and one parliamentary secretary.

New Electric Vehicle Availability Standard will give Canadians better access to more affordable cars and cleaner air, says Guilbeault

And here’s the verbatim backgrounder:

Canada’s Electric Vehicle Availability Standard (regulated targets for zero-emission vehicles) backgrounder, verbatim. Did you know EVs now work when it’s really cold? That’s what the feds say! Must be true!
