Tag: free speech

Fight for free speech

Bill C-59 has not gone away. Pipeline Online editor Brian Zinchuk and energy advocate Deidra Garyk appear on the Patchwork Podcast to discuss its implications on free speech and Canadian society. This occurred at the Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show on Sept. 12.

Meanwhile, south of the border:

Federal judge temporarily blocks Biden administration rule to limit flaring of gas at oil wells

Also, getting really into the weeds of overseas gas production:

Op-Ed: Kaase Gbakon: Strategic Gas Infrastructure: The Gulf of Guinea Pipeline and Equatorial Guinea’s Mega Hub Vision

Still fighting Bill C-59

Op-Ed: Deidra Garyk’s Bill C-59 submission to Competition Bureau

Op-Ed: Deidra Garyk’s Bill C-59 submission to Competition Bureau

Energy advocate Deidra Garyk made the following submission to the Competition Bureau regarding Bill C-59, which came into law in late June. That law is an egregious assault on free speech in this nation, and Pipeline Online vehemently opposes it, as should you.


Crown land sale shows interest in three areas, but none in the fourth. Hate to say it, but it looks like southwest Saskatchewan is withering on the vine.

Gag law is now the law

Brian Zinchuk: Why celebrate Canada Day, when your federal government diminished your free speech 10 days earlier?

I wasn’t aware of the impact of Bill C-59 until Saskatchewan Justice Minister Bronwyn Eyre brought it up at the oil show on June 5. I am increasingly alarmed about its consequences. She’s absolutely right, this is a gag law. And it is now the law of the land. This needs to be addressed, broadly, widely and loudly.

As I note in the column:

This is really an implementation of George Orwell’s 1984, where groupthink has been legislated into law a couple week ago by the federal government. If you say anything against the current orthodoxy of anthropogenic climate change, or even if your efforts to support it are found insufficient, you are an apostate and can be prosecuted for it.

This is not hyperbole. This has really happened.

Your freedom of speech, today, is dramatically reduced from what it was on June 19.

And we allowed it to happen.

1979 on the way to 1984

Op-Ed: Deidra Gayrk: Trudeau Government Wants Greenwashing Bill C-59 Gag to be Oil & Gas Environmental “Greenhushing”

Individuals – disgruntled employees, eco-activists, bored people – can go onto the Competition Bureau’s website and fill in the complaint form for the Bureau to decide whether or not to investigate. The unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy will decide who will and will not be investigated.

As I keep saying, this is 1979 on the way to 1984. We might even be in 1980 by now.

1984, again

Back in the old days when I was editor of Pipeline News, Bill Whitelaw was publisher of JWN Energy (JuneWarren-Nickels). So he knows a thing or two about energy media, and is still involved with GeoLOGIC, which bought JWN from Glacier Media. And he’s just as concerned as I am about the recent passage of Bill C-59. Here’s an op-ed he originally published on his Substack, republished with permission.

Bill Whitelaw: Competition Act changes sign of how Canada is tumbling into Orwellian dystopia

There’s a lot more to come on this front.


Weekend Watch: Has London gone enviro mad? Jordan Peterson talks to Laurence Fox

Has London, England gone stark raving mad? You might ask yourself that from just the first 10 minutes of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s interview with Laurence Fox. Fox had to be careful in what he said, because his bail conditions for tweets, no less, limits what he can say.

Surveillance state, taxing fossil-fuel vehicles out of existence to the benefit of electric vehicles, vehicles for the rich that the poor can’t afford, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, EVs as a form of control – and that’s just the first 10 minutes! If you watch nothing else this weekend, watch this.

Are we going to let this happen here? Ask yourself.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out …

US Holocaust Museum

This column talks about how Pipeline Online has now seen evidence of its links being silenced by Facebook to a small number of Facebook users. On the same day, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s Facebook account was banned from posting content.

This is 1984 in real time, folks. Whether you like or don’t like my content, soon all news content, including that which you do like, may soon be banned from Facebook, and possibly Google, too.
