Tag: glaciers

Something’s not right here with this Greenland core

Camp Century was ice free a lot more recently than was previously thought. Google Earth

So back when the US military was trying to make an ice base like the Planet Hoth from Empire Strikes Back (really happened, 20 years before the movie), they drilled an ice core and hit paydirt. Someone finally got around to looking at that dirt, and it has some startling revelations about the Greenland ice sheet. And when you add that up with what CO2 levels were, something does not jive. And then the mental gymnastics by the media and researches around this are even more entertaining.

Perhaps the science isn’t settled, after all?

From ice we came, to ice we shall return

Ask a farmer about rocks. He’ll tell you all about them. Then ask him where he came from.
The answer is the retreating glacial ice sheet that once covered nearly all of Saskatchewan. The ice melted, the rocks in it got dumped in glacial till (the top layer of our land in nearly all of Saskatchewan). And that’s why your combine just chewed a rock. The climate changed, the ice left rocks, and your combine ate it.
Letter to the editor: 25,000 years from now, most of Canada will likely be covered by ice sheets, again. As it was 25,000 years ago

