Tag: solar power

Bloc doesn’t think “just transition” report went far enough

There’s no pleasing the Bloc, except to break up the country. But they had some interesting things to say about the Natural Resources Committee’s “just transition” report.

Also, on the longest day of the year, Saskatchewan’s grid scale solar averaged just 26.7 per cent capacity. But that’s okay. Texas knows what they’re doing. They built all sorts of solar and wind power. How’s that working out for them with a heat wave?

And with NATO arming Ukraine to fight a war with Russia before Russia crosses Ukraine and takes on NATO, the top dogs at NATO still have time to fight climate change. Shouldn’t they be more concerned about the Ruskies?

One more thing, folks. Facebook will start blocking media, including Pipeline Online, on Sunday. Say what you want about Facebook, but this is a huge issue. Social media is crucial to the business plans of all news media, mine included. Thanks for all the support from SDA, because it means a lot. This is going to be a tough row to hoe. And glib comments about Facebook not mattering simply aren’t true. It matters to people like me. Where else can you find 3 billion people to tick off?

We don’t need no giant stinking fans. But we’re going to build a lot of them.

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Party government sure seems to have some mixed messages when it comes to wind and solar power. We keep building more, and will build a lot more, but it turns out they don’t produce as advertised.

In two throne speeches on Nov. 2, one MLA spoke praises of SaskPower’s buildout. But another pointed out that you don’t get anywhere close to what the nameplate capacity is.

Our solar capacity is 20 and we were getting 2. You cannot run a province, you cannot run business, you cannot run industry, you cannot run people’s homes on that unreliability


SaskPower’s proposed 100 megawatt solar facility at Estevan, plus a bonus up to 10 megawatt pilot project on mined land

Multiply this by 10, and that will be Estevan’s new solar facility.

Estevan is getting not one, but two solar facilities.

ESTEVAN – SaskPower held a two day open-house regarding at proposed 100 megawatt solar facility on Oct-26-27 at the Estevan Legion Hall.

In actuality, it’s not just a single project of 100 megawatts, but two projects – a 100 megawatt solar facility and a secondary, up to 10 megawatt pilot project.

The 100 megawatt facility is to be built on seven quarters of land approximately 10 kilometres southwest of the Boundary Dam Power Station. While SaskPower has large swaths of reclaimed mine land in the area, this block of farmland was chosen because it was undisturbed. Building on disturbed land would mean the foundations would be more costly.

It’s seven quarters of land in total, 1,120 acres or 453 hectares. The land has been optioned, but has not yet been purchased. It falls within the southwest corner of the RM of Estevan, Township 1, Range 9, west of the second meridian.

And, of course

As for Estevan, when asked “What do you do when the sun goes down?” the SaskPower official said, “You don’t generate any solar power.”
