62 Replies to “Tony Blair’s Britain”

  1. It’s really all about hate. When ever I see the movers and shakers in the Islamic world, they’re always spouting hatred or threats. Near as I can figure, it’s just a plain old evil thing and as such should be stomped out of existance before it infects more folks.
    Never mind that it has a whole pile of rules to control people and make sure that they do exactly what they’re told.
    It’s just a plain old evil thing, same as what my Dad went overseas to fight in WW2. Ordinary old evil.

  2. Canadian Observer: “BTW, when’s the last time you saw a group of athiests forming a chanting and unruly mob and creating chaos in the name of ‘somebody’?”
    Every day, CO, every day–only their unruly street behaviour (including behind the wheels of their cars) is in their name only: ME, ME, ME. Canada has 20% of its population that goes to church on a regular basis, which if you get your math right has the other 80% sleeping in, still carousing, on the golf links, doing dope in the back alley–whatever it is, they’re doing their non-religious past-time of preference.
    Having moved back to the downtown core of a large city, the one I grew up in–which was then pleasant but boring and is now exciting but decadent and has the feel of a tinder box about to ignite–I can see what “official” atheism in Canada–aka secular humanism, the new religion of our publicly funded “educational” (sic) institutions, MSM, judiciary, and more often than not, our mainline Christian churches–has done to our once-responsible and accountable citizenry: It’s turned this city, and many more, into swamps of ill-mannered, me-first, outta-my-way, I-don’t-care-about-YOU, entitled, spoiled-brat yobs.
    Also, CO, don’t go down the road of moral equivalency between all religions. You want to see who are pretty much always the first-responders to natural disasters around the world, no matter whether it’s a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist country? It’ll be the Christians. Don’t expect, however, help from Muslims, Buddhists, or Hindus, AS A GROUP, if your Christian country is the victim of an earthquake or cyclone.
    By the same token, don’t expect the new brand of spoiled-brat yobs to rush to your rescue, either. That’s not what they do.
    Serious Christians take seriously the Lord’s injunction to “love your neighbour as yourself” and don’t ask about religious affiliation before sending in emergency supplies and personnel. This is a no-brainer, actually, and I’m constantly amazed at how often I have to point it out. It’s called smelling the coffee and waking up: Don’t put Islamofascism on the same platform as Christianity which, though imperfect, of course, because the Lord relies on imperfect human beings to be His eyes, hands, feet, and heart, is not calling for the annihilation of “infidels,” including the kidnapping and beheading of foreigners unfortunate enough to be in Islamofascism’s vicinity. Christianity puts a high premium on hospitality, which doesn’t include incarcerating those who disagree with its tenets with the intention of cutting off their head after weeks of physical and psychological torture.
    That kind of moral equivalency is a fool’s game–and to what end?

  3. Yeah, what batb said!
    Seriously Canadian Observer!! You need me to make a list of troublemaking atheists?
    1) The USSR, especially under Lenin and Stalin
    2) China under Mao
    3) The Khmer Rouge
    4) David Suzuki
    nuff said 🙂

  4. Why do you, BATB or Karl, always make Christianity or belief in some mystical god the basis for all that’s good and those who reject your belief in this all-powerful god are evil and are causing the downfall of our society? Funny how our society became the most free and succesful one in history when religion was increasingly ignored.
    The vast majority of Russians were Christians and still are today as the hockey player in the WHC cup who stated “God was on our side more than them.” As were the Germans, Spanish under Franco, Japan or Cambodians under their deities. Its all about power, who has it and how do I get it.
    Canadian surveys show Conservatives support charities and community work far more than Liberals because of our basic social structure guidelines of who we are, not our religious or non-religious beliefs.
    You are falling into the liberal mindset of if you don’t believe what I do you must be wrong.
    Liberalism is weakening our liberal society not the decline of religion.

  5. This useless fat tosser is none other than Trevor Brooks aka Abu Jizzadeen. Useless great waste of flesh was convicted of inciting terrorism.
    I’m not sure how long he got though. If it was seven years it means he will be out in three. Sadly he can’t be deported as he is “British” allegedly.

  6. Ahhh, dp, you are funny guy when stating “The RCMP used to have a motto, if I have to use my weapon, I’ve failed.”
    Puleeze!!! I am surprised nobody picked up on that but then again, every comment afterwards was from the hard core right wing.
    A better motto would be “if I have to use my weapon, I’ve failed so I will tazer the poor sap, be he a confused Pole or a old demented man in a nursing home bed”

  7. Dave: “Why do you, BATB or Karl, always make Christianity or belief in some mystical god the basis for all that’s good and those who reject your belief in this all-powerful god are evil and are causing the downfall of our society?”
    Disclaimer: I don’t say, nor ever have said, that those who “reject [my] belief in this all-powerful god are evil.”
    Having said that, I maintain that if you look at countries whose institutions are based on Judeo-Christian values and what they have contributed to the world, vis a vis, democratic rights and freedoms, and then look at countries whose institutions are not based on those tenets, it’s not too difficult to see what the differences are.
    It’s also not too difficult to understand why the flow of immigration is from non-Judeo-Christian countries to those whose democracies are based on Judeo-Christian values. And not vice versa.
    It’s not rocket science.
    It’s historical fact and reality.
    Do you do history or reality, Dave?

  8. Dave wrote:
    “Why do you, BATB or Karl, always make Christianity or belief in some mystical god the basis for all that’s good and those who reject your belief in this all-powerful god are evil and are causing the downfall of our society?”
    When exactly did I do this? Canadian Observer implied that evil is commonly done in the name of God, but never by Atheists. I do not debate the former point. But I do dispute the latter.
    Dave wrote:
    “Funny how our society became the most free and successful one in history when religion was increasingly ignored.”
    This is a simplistic analysis. Your are positing a causal connection between the two, but you fail to do anything to demonstrate it. Calling it “funny” does not cut it. I will stack ending slavery (Christian initiative), outlawing child labour (Christian initiative), and things like this against anything strictly secular achievement of secular society. Sure religious people have done wrong. So have secularists. And both have done good as well.
    Dave wrote: “The vast majority of Russians were Christians and still are today as the hockey player in the WHC cup who stated “God was on our side more than them.” As were the Germans, Spanish under Franco, Japan or Cambodians under their deities. Its all about power, who has it and how do I get it.”
    I do not dispute that the vast majority of Russians were (are) Christians. Surely you will not dispute the fact that the vast majority of Russian Christians who died in the Gulags because of their Christian faith were killed by atheistic Marxist-Leninists in the name of ridding the people of their opiate. And not just Christians, but Jews, as well. And as for the Nazi’s, to imply that they were a Christian movement shows a laughable ignorance of the history of that troubled period. A case has been made by some that Nazism was a secular religion of racially based nationalism, hearkening to spiritual roots in a caricature of pre-Christian Germanic paganism. But Christian? Afraid not.
    Dave wrote: “Canadian surveys show Conservatives support charities and community work far more than Liberals because of our basic social structure guidelines of who we are, not our religious or non-religious beliefs.”
    And your point is …. ???? Oh! That you can be a good boy without going to church. Well… Bully for you. Keep up the good work.
    Dave wrote: “You are falling into the liberal mindset of if you don’t believe what I do you must be wrong.”
    No, I’m actually falling for the logical mindset that says that blaming those of all religious faiths for the woes inflicted on the world by some of the people of one particular religious faith who kill people in the name of God is to practice guilt by extremely tenuous association. And to do so while giving a pass to the murderous Atheistic regimes of the 20th Century is illogical, sophomoric, and breathtakingly hypocritical.
    Dave wrote: “Liberalism is weakening our liberal society not the decline of religion.”
    I would agree, but I would also add that liberal religion (eg: anything goes, except morality and truth) is also doing it’s part to rot our society from within.
    As for me, (to paraphrase Martin Luther) I would rather be governed by a wise atheist than a Christian fool.
    Anyway, enough thread hijacking from me. Sorry Kate.

  9. There is a constant inference as ET has often responded to as she, like I, is an atheist that our views are wrong and somehow suspect because we reject belief in a mystical god.
    Respect for a common law, personal responsiblity, believing in a strong family structure among others are social tenents not religious ones. The United States as the oldest democracy in the world made sure to seperate the church and the state as one of its founding doctrines as they knew the dangers of religious dogma stifling democratic growth. Immigrants come to the democracies because of our success and freedoms. As we have discussed so many times the threat to our way of life from the religion of Islam. It will not be Judeo/Christian religion that will be at stake but our fundamental freedoms in that coming battle. If we as a nation do not believe in our way of life enough to defend it we will perish as surely as Constantinople fell.
    Karl, I did not say the Nazi’s were a Christian movement but that Germans were Christians as were the Italians but that didn’t stop their soldiers from butchering millions. Again with the condescending attitude for being a “good boy” for doing what every citizen should do and linking that I blame religion for the evils of the world. Not in the least would I do that because its just people and their nature that commit evil. The opportunity that the Catholic church gave its priests to molest children without monitoring this danger was stupid but became unforgivable evil when they covered it up and no god came to save the children whimpering in the night.
    There is no god to stop evil just us.

  10. Well Dave, here’s a news flash. I am a Christian. Ergo, I think the view of atheists re God are (gasp) wrong. Just as you as an atheist think that my Christian belief in a “mystical God” is wrong.
    You think I’m wrong. I can deal with it. I’m a big boy. I think you’re wrong. Be a big boy and deal with it.
    And, as far as inference goes, my original post was in response to an inference that I often hear from atheists. Namely that it is belief in God which leads people to commit all sorts of atrocities. Yes, yes I know. The crusades, the inquisition. I acknowledge all of that, and work within my church to insure that such things do not happen again. So, I will work hard to make sure there isn’t another inquisition. And you atheist can work to make sure there are no more liquidations and gulags.
    By the way, I do know that the most Germans were (at least nominally) Christian. And that many were implicated directly and indirectly in the butchering of millions. And I also know of some Christians (2,000,000 of them) who perished in the camps because of their opposition to Hitler and Nazism. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hung only days before liberations by the Americans, and after Hitler was already dead. Just for spite it seemed.
    Did you know that Mao, Stalin, Lenin, and Pol Pot were atheists? And they were directly responsible for the butchering of hundreds of millions.
    Do I hold all atheists, or atheism responsible for their actions? No.
    But Canadian observer seemed to be implicating all who believe in God as being somehow similar to a raving Islamofascist in England.
    I’m getting really tired of this smug self assured preachy atheism.
